The course will offer a detailed analysis of the political and constitutional developments in Pakistan since its creation. The issues in constitution making will be deliberated upon. It will  cover the constitution of 1956, 1962 and 1973 and the amendments made there after. The course  will also explore how constitution making impacted the politics of Pakistan or vice versa.

Multiple political regimes throughout the history of Pakistan have approached policy issues with a differing perspectives and priorities. Consequent policy making has been marked with a lack of consistency, with key policy decisions changing with every c
Focuses on key components of the policy analysis processes: define problems, select criteria to evaluate alternatives, develop policy design in alternatives and examine the trade offs. Participants explore different components of the policy analysis frame
The purpose of this course is to help a student to refine their thesis topic, develop their research design and complete a working outline for their project report. Students will be encouraged and advised to design and develop their research paper integra
Informs and trains students in various information and communication technologies, including word processing, document packaging, spreadsheets, presentation, correspondence and research. Explore Management Information Systems and their evolution from stan
Provides basic statistical, economic and accounting knowledge to course participants, and will act as a prerequisite for all higher level economic and analytical courses. Covers statistical concepts from both descriptive statistics and inferential statis
Studies the consequences of diversity for nation building, policy-making and administrative governance; legal framework of the state, minority representation in political parties, administrative institutions and civil society advocacy groups' highlighting
Institutions matter for governance, for development and for effectiveness of the state. They are rules of the gameā€”so the outcomes are directly related to them. The robust and the inclusive are the institutions; the better and sustainable are the levels o