Technical and processing aspect of food technology; importance of food packaging; resultant safety concerns and their remedial strategies. Interaction of Food Packaging with Food and its health implications.
The thesis project provides students detailed exposure to a practical problem in food safety and quality management. Students can join an ongoing project or work on an independent problem in close cooperation with a faculty member (Research Supervisor). I
Key issues and requirements of food labeling; understanding systems, laws, standards and guidelines to ensure food traceability and authenticity.
This course will deal with the consumer behavior with special reference to food choices in addition to consumer psychology and microeconomics of consumer behavior in respect to food choices. Role of Consumer behavior and its business effect. Consumer perc
Punjab Food Safety and Standards 2017 and current regulations; PSQCA food rules, Codex Alimentarius Food Standards; their role in ensuing safety and wholesomeness of food for consumer and export purposes; understanding importance of auditing with special
To understand key issues relating food sampling and importance of sampling to ensure food safety. Use of Modern food analysis techniques for food safety, authenticity, quality and traceability.